Tuesday, 21 February 2023

P4 - Poster/Billboard Advert

This is the interface on the software Affinity which I used to create my poster. In order to create it, I ensured that it was portrait and included layers in order display all the components correctly. For example, having the scene of the dark screen on the bottom layer, allowing the text and image of the figure to be shown above it. I also changed the 'fill' of the figure, and 'fill' of the text, in order to get the colours I wanted. For example, I wanted the figure to be completely dark, so I changed the 'fill' to black. Initially, the figure was a complete photo with a background as shown below, meaning I needed to cut this out. To do this, I used the lasso tool which allowed me to draw around the figure and cut out the remainder of the image. To create the text, I downloaded the font I wanted for my ident from DaFont.com, and installed it. I then used the text tool in this font and types out the text I needed. Using the mouse tool, I was able to make all the components the size I needed and and in the correct places.

This is the actual poster I created for my print advertisement. It includes a figure of the protagonist, Sam, walking down a dark street to symbolise the darkness which follows him through grief and depression. It also includes the Ident I created for my drama, which I created from a royalty free font from DaFont.com, along with the tagline, available platforms and when the drama is released. This will allow my audience to be able to navigate how, where and when to watch my drama. The aim of the poster is to give the audience a sense of mystery, who is this figure and why does he need help? The trailers will then release slightly more information, which will then gradually increase their interest in the show, hopefully motivating them to watch the drama once it is released.

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