Thursday, 11 November 2021

P1 - Proposal and Treatment

This is my proposal for my music video which is a large expansion of my initial ideas. It includes artist research, meaning behind the song (to allow me to link the video accurately to the video), the treatment (whole plan and story of my music video - not all aspects in this will end up being included in my final video), my target audience (so I can make my video appeal to my audience and get the most amount of viewers), the characters I will include, the inspiration behind my song, locations I will use (to allow me to plan my shots accurately), mis en scene, and finally how I will distribute and promote my video.

Proposal Pitch

This is the pitch I presented for my proposal. I believe it went well as I conveyed my ideas clearly and my client thoroughly enjoyed them. However, I was reading off the screen instead of looking at my client whilst presenting as there were many words on the slides; in the future I will reduce the amount of information displayed and bring out my ideas through the knowledge in my head. This improvement  is seen in my pitch for my TV drama, which is found in the topic 'Unit 21 - Plan and Pitch a TV Show' in 'P4 - Final Pitch Delivery'.

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