Tuesday, 27 September 2022

P2 - Initial Ideas continued

These are the final 2 ideas I narrowed to from the original 6. The idea I have chosen to take forward is idea one. This is an extract from the first 10-15 minutes of episode one. In summary, this scene will include an introduction to Sam and his family (his father and mother), followed by an introduction to his friend Thom when he goes to meet them, then followed by the disruption of Sam's father dying, ending in a disorienting, emotion filled scene of Sam in shock.

I have chosen this idea because I feel that it fully relates to the client brief, it is the best sequence to grab my target audience's attention and get them to watch the TV drama series. I believe it will be the best to promote it. It is the strongest idea because it allows the audience to build a base of the series, what's going on, who the characters are, locations and more. The main reason I believe it will grab the interest of my target audience because it includes the main disruption: Sam's father dying. This will entice the audience to keep watching as their curiosity, empathy, sympathy and adrenaline will suddenly build up due to this disruption and their brains and hearts will urge them to keep watching. My target audience are people aged around (16-21-year-olds). People around this age are very interested in shows which include drama, true crime, crime and violence in general and very emotional shows, therefore I feel like this scene will really spark their interest as it will include death, violence and intense emotions as I believe it is the strongest part of the narrative. It will also end on a cliff hanger as the audience will not know how his father die and it will be a massive shock to them, and there will be no resolution as Sam would have just run away from his house due to the shock, this will further entice to audience to watch more as they will want to know what happens next.

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