Industry Baby - Lil Nas X
The Effects Model/Hypodermic Model
- Consumptions of media texts influence audience.
- Usually negative.
- Audiences are passive and powerless to prevent influence (like a sponge).
- Power lie with message of text.
- Called hypodermic model as the idea is that the media is injecting into the audience's brain.
The Effects Model could suggest that this music video could be considered harmful to society as it may offend some of the religious groups due to extreme homosexual behaviour in the video - This would offend these religious groups as the behaviour goes against their beliefs. Religious groups may fear that members of their religion will copy this behaviour and go against their beliefs. It may also offend the general public due the lyrics and actions in the video being very sexual, this could harm children as they could be exposed to new sexual language and actions and offend others who find it offensive. Scenes of mass nudity and sexual behaviour may upset any children or general viewers who watch the video. The effects model may suggest that kids could go out and copy this sexual behaviour, possibly leading to underage sex and maybe even sexual abuse/harassment.
The Uses and Gratifications Model
- The audience is active and uses the text, not used by it.
- The power lies in the audience, not the producers.
- Audience is free to reject, use or play with media meanings as they see fit.
- Audiences may use media for diversion, escapism, information, pleasure etc.
- Consumption of media can help people with learning, emotional satisfaction, relaxation etc.
The Uses and Gratifications Model may suggest that this music video is positive and empowering to the homosexual community, allowing for gay men to be able to feel free and comfortable in there sexuality and be accepted into society. This video could also suggest that some of the religious groups should learn to accept all and that some of their views are negative and outdated. The video may help young children figure and and express their sexuality instead of hiding it. The video may also suggest that being open about sex and having sex is okay and a normal human thing, instead of a gross act which some people may believe.
Reception Theory - Stuart Hall
- Effects Model and Uses and Gratifications model have problems and limitations.
- When a producer constructs a text it is encoded with a specific meaning.
- Audience can correctly decode the message.
- Audiences can also reject the meaning or fail to correctly understand the meaning and may have a negative effect.
- there are three ways of reading a text: dominant/preferred where the message is encoded correctly, negotiated where they understand both or all meanings with some acceptance and rejection, oppositional where the message is completely rejected.
The Reception Theory may suggest that the preferred/dominant view of the video is that homosexuality and sex in general is something to accept and be proud of, and accept others too, to be proud and show off your sexuality and help others to feel comfortable and discover who they are. The other part of the preferred view may be against some of the religious groups who may disagree with actions in the video, so the video is saying that they do not care what some of the religious groups think and that these groups should be accepting. The negotiated view may be yes this should be a normal and proud thing, however, no matter what, some people will be offended by this video and we need to be mindful of that. The oppositional view would suggest that this video is disgusting and should not be normalised as they find it offensive. This could be the perspective of some religious groups.
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