Wednesday, 22 February 2023

P3 - Radio Trailer Planning

Radio Trailer Practise:
Initially, before I began to create the plan for my radio trailer, I was given the chance to have a practise of creating one on Final Cut Pro. We were given pre-recorded audio files and we given the chance to roam royalty free audio websites, in order to create a radio trailer for a different TV drama: Dark Valley. This is what I created:

Radio Trailer Planning:
Once I had created this practise trailer, I created this script for my TV drama radio trailer. I decided to include parts of the dialogue from the script I created from my previous project in Unit 22 - Scriptwriting, allowing the audience to get a grasp of the characters, and scenarios which will actually occur in the show itself. I also included a narrator's voice over, which covers a brief, dramatic and intense synopsis of the show. I ended the script with the tagline of the show along with the name to create this consistency between my advertising components, allowing the ideas and themes of 'I Need Help' to stick in the audiences head, making it more memorable and more likely for them to be gain interest and watch the drama. In order for the audience to do this however, I included when it will air and how the audience can consume it.

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